What’s best: bike tour or bike rental?

Planning your Oslo Bike Rental or Oslo Bike tour?
You’ve already decided that an Oslo tour is best done by bike. Next is planning your time in the city!
Oslo is an expansive urban area nestled between the vast forest and the fjord. Being the capital city, Oslo offers the best of Norwegian culture with its unique focus on embracing nature in both its rural and urban settings – a cultural phenomenon known as Friluftsliv. The city itself contains over 2,000 kilometers of winding urban and forested bike paths. Rivers, waterfalls, seaside paths, urbans greenways and a notably peaceful historic city center await visiting cyclists.
An Oslo bike rental can offer a certain level of independence, but it can often leave a traveler spending more time lost and confused. Biking in circles, squinting at maps and scrolling on the phone is not an ideal way to spend a day in a new city.
Most travelers have a limited amount of time and would prefer to relax while getting the most out of their visit to Oslo. Questions like: ‘’ Where to go?’’, ‘’What to see?’’ and, ‘’What does it all mean?’’ are best answered by a local guide. As the premier provider of guided bike tours in Oslo, Viking Biking has your solution.
On an Oslo bike tour you’ll be able to safely and easily spend your time visiting both famous and more hidden sites without even having to open a map. With each neighborhood hosting its own unique cultural, ecological and historical points of interests, it can be an added challenge for a visitor to grasp the local and authentic Oslo on their own.
Spend less time biking around in circles alone, trying to translate street signs and more time enjoying Norwegian culture, customs and making new friends on your Oslo Bike Tour.